Welcome to the Wylie East High School Counseling page. Scroll down to learn who each of our counselors are and their roles.
Click on our counseling resource links to find information the counselors want to share with you.
Counseling Office Secretary
Academic Counselors
9th Grade Counselor (Last Names A-Z)
10th-12th Counselor (Last Names A-B)
10th-12th Counselor (Last Names C-Gr)
10th-12th Counselor (Last Names Gu-Mc)
10th-12th Counselor (Last Names Me-R)
10th-12th Counselor (Last Names S-Z)
Student Support Advocates
Last Names A-K
Last Names L-Z
What does a Student Support Advocates do?
Student Support Advocates are available to talk with students about a wide variety of issues that might be impacting them. Some of these might include anxiety, sadness, loss of motivation, relationship issues, grief, and thoughts of self-harm or suicide.
If you are in class and need to visit with the SSA, please ask your teacher for a pass to the counselor.
If you have an immediate concern that a student may be suicidal, and it is after school hours, please call 911. Voicemails and emails left after school hours may not be received until the next school day.
Collin College Counselor
Serves all students at Wylie East HS
Office 902 E